Community Barter Program

Your value is so much deeper than your wallet! We’ll trade you part of the cost of our awesome overnights for your time and involvement with Onward Industries.

How it works: We create awesome opportunities to build community outdoors. We do that through programs that get kids outside, engaged, and interacting with the world, as well as through overnight adventures and community hangs that connect and inspire grownups.

To pull it off we need volunteers with energy, talent, and enthusiasm. Our current needs include (but aren’t limited to) …

  • Peeps who can develop and lead awesome kids’ programming

  • Social media & communication

  • Fundraising & Partnership outreach

  • Peeps with specific training and skills they can teach, share, or lend (e.g., maker skills, storytelling & art, crafts, science, culinary, media creation …

  • Developing and implementing ideas for workshops, hands-on activities, community hangs

How to apply: Using the form below, tell us …

1) What trip you’re interested in;

2) A little bit about yourself;

3) Some ways you can envision pitching in to help Onward grow (please be as specific as possible).

We’ll get back to you no matter what. If it’s a good fit, we’ll have a follow up conversation and come up with a basic volunteer agreement. In exchange for your pledge of help, we’ll cover part of the cost of one our trips (we usually ask that you cover our fixed costs with no additional markup).